1. Collection, processing and use of personal data on the website:


In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the UK GDPR, we inform you that to use some of the services offered on our website, it may be necessary to provide certain personal data that will be incorporated into automated files.


In compliance with the UK GDPR, we inform you that the data controller is:



CIF: ES-B10460491

Main address: C/CALEROS, 41, BAJO, 10003 DE CÁCERES

Local address: 19 Saville Road, Peterborough PE3 7PR, England

Email: info@webofhydromassage.co.uk

Contact telephone number: (+44) 1733 911608

Website: https://www.webofhydromassage.co.uk


For any observations regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the website content, you can contact the company through any of the above means.

The purpose of the website content is to inform users about the services offered by the company as a result of the requests, management, or procedures that the User carries out via the website. The data subject to processing will be those provided through the forms available on the site or via the emails the User sends to the identified email addresses, as well as those generated during the maintenance of the corresponding relationship.

All fields marked as mandatory in any of the forms must necessarily be completed, such that omitting any of them may make it impossible to process your request or provide the corresponding services.

Additionally, during data collection, your consent may be requested for other purposes that are not directly related to the service or the corresponding relationship. If you do not agree with these additional processes, please mark the box provided for this purpose as appropriate.


Requests for information: The personal data used in these cases come from the data subject, who provides them to WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE by completing the contact form on the website, making a phone call, or sending an email.

These data are used to address inquiries and provide information to those who request or expressly authorize it, mainly via email.

The person accessing this website (hereinafter, the User) ensures that they have the minimum legal age established by the UK GDPR (13 years) to grant consent concerning the Information Society Services.

By accessing this website, the User expressly accepts all the clauses of its legal information, this privacy policy, and its cookie policy, as well as all those particular conditions collected for the use of certain services. If the User does not accept any of the mentioned clauses, they should refrain from accessing this website.

When the User accesses WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE's social media accounts, they accept the processing of their personal data by these platforms according to their privacy policies.


2. Purpose of personal data processing:

2.1. For what purpose will we process your personal data?

At WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE, we will process your personal data collected through the website for the following purposes:


– Sending information requested through the contact forms available on the website in response to any inquiry related to the company's products or services.

– Analysing the user profile to optimise, measure, and personalise the use of the website.

– Collecting data and CVs from people interested in participating in the company's recruitment processes.

– Sending newsletters and commercial communications about promotions and/or advertising from the website, with your express authorisation. In accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), you can unsubscribe from any subscription services or express your opposition to receiving advertising information by sending an email from the account to be unsubscribed with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line to the following address: info@webofhydromassage.co.uk.

The fields in these forms are mandatory, making it impossible to fulfil the stated purposes if these data are not provided.


2.2. How long will the collected personal data be kept?

The personal data provided will be kept while your communication is managed and/or you do not request their deletion, and for the minimum time necessary to comply with legal obligations or potential legal liabilities arising from the provided services.


3. Legitimation:

The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise it:


– Free, specific, informed, and unequivocal consent, as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which, after reading, you can accept by a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.


If you do not provide your data or do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to address your request, making it completely impossible to provide the requested information or carry out the service contracting.


When the user does not maintain commercial relationships with WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE and sends an email or communication to the website owner indicating other personal data, the user will be giving their free, unequivocal, specific, informed, and express consent for the processing of their personal data by WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE for the previously stated purposes, as well as to address their communication or send documentation.


4. Warranty:

The User guarantees that the provided data are true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date, being responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of non-compliance with this obligation. In the case that the provided data belong to a third party, the User guarantees that they have informed this third party and obtained their authorisation to provide their personal data to WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE.


5. Data retention:

Your data will be kept while the contractual relationship is maintained or for the necessary years to comply with legal obligations, as long as you do not request their cessation or during the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.



Your data will be kept under strict security measures that guarantee their confidentiality and security. They will only be transferred to the following entities and for the following purposes:

-Entities and suppliers that provide services to WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE for the proper execution of these services. These entities and suppliers are duly accredited and sign the corresponding data processing contract in compliance with current data protection regulations.

-Official bodies and entities in compliance with current regulations and laws.

Data will not be communicated to any third party unrelated to WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE, except in the cases previously described, unless legally required or with prior authorisation.

Recipients outside the United Kingdom: WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE does not transfer personal data to third parties or contract with service providers outside the United Kingdom.


7. Rights:

As a data subject who has provided us with your personal data, you have the full right to obtain confirmation as to whether WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE is processing your personal data, and specifically, you are entitled to exercise the following rights recognized by data protection regulations:

– Right of ACCESS to your personal data.

– Rights to request RECTIFICATION of inaccurate data.

– Right to request their DELETION when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected.

In certain circumstances, you may request the LIMITATION OF PROCESSING of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may exercise your right to OBJECT to the processing of your data. We will stop processing the data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds, or for the exercise or defence of possible claims.

– In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may request your right to DATA PORTABILITY.

You can exercise these rights or request additional information by presenting a copy of an identification document and briefly stating your case and the right you wish to exercise, by sending a letter to WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE at the main address located at C/CALEROS, 41, BAJO, 10003 CÁCERES, Spain, or via email at info@webofhydromassage.co.uk.

Additionally, if any of your rights have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, or via the ICO website: https://ico.org.uk.  


8.- Use of forms for collecting personal data:

In the purchase and contact forms available on the website, where personal data is collected, the user must expressly consent, prior to submission, to the acceptance and acknowledgment of the privacy policy by completing the checkbox "I have read and accept the privacy policy," and whose contents can be accessed through the attached link provided in this legal notice. If the checkbox field is not marked by the user, the data contained in such forms will not be submitted.


9- Social Media Policy:

We inform users (hereinafter, the "User" or "Users" as appropriate) that WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE is the owner of profiles on social networks under the name WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE, created primarily to publicize the services and events developed at WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE.

The User has a profile on one of the mentioned social networks and has decided to join the page created by WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE, showing interest in the information publicised on the corresponding social network. By joining WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE's page, the User consents to the processing of their personal data published on their profile by WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE.

The User can access the privacy policies of the respective social network at any time, as well as configure their profile to ensure their privacy.

User data on the social network will be processed by WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE solely within the social network itself and will not be processed outside of it.

The User retains the right to exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability, and restriction, as determined by the functionality of the social network and WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE's access to user profile information. These rights are applicable only to information under the control of WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE. Furthermore, Users have the option to lodge a complaint regarding the protection of their personal data with the relevant authority in the United Kingdom, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), at its address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. This step can be taken if Users believe that WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE has infringed upon their rights as established by applicable data protection regulations.:

WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE may perform the following actions:

    - Access public profile information of the User.

   - Send personal and individual messages through the social network's channels.

The User can always control their connections, remove unwanted content, and restrict who they share their connections with by accessing their privacy settings on the social network.


Once the User has joined WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE's page, they may post comments, links, images, or photographs, or any other type of multimedia content supported by the social network. The User must be the owner of the same, enjoy the rights of authorship and intellectual property, or have the consent of affected third parties. Any publication on the page, whether text, graphics, photographs, videos, etc., that violate or are likely to violate morality, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or infringe, violate or breach intellectual or industrial property rights, the right to image or the Law, is expressly prohibited. In such cases, WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE reserves the right to immediately remove the content and may request the permanent blocking of the User.

WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE is not responsible for the content freely posted by the User.

The User should be aware that their publications will be known to other Users, so they are the main responsible for their privacy.


Images that may be published on the page will not be stored by WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE, but they will remain on the social network.


10. Duration and modification of the Privacy Policy:

WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE reserves the right to modify, wholly or partially, this Privacy Policy, publishing the changes on the website. It may also make any changes it deems appropriate without prior notice, changing, deleting, or adding both the content and services provided, as well as how they are presented or located. Consequently, the general conditions/policies in force will be those published at the time the User accesses them, which should be read periodically.

Regardless of the provisions, WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE may terminate, suspend, or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the website content, with no possibility for the User to demand any compensation.



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