WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE reserves the right to modify any information on the website without prior notice or obligation to inform users of such changes, with publication on the WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE website being deemed sufficient.

In compliance with Article 10 of the Electronic Commerce Directive (Directive 2000/31/EC) and the Information Society Services Act 2002, the following are the identification details of the company that owns the domain WWW.WEBEBOFHYDROMASSAGE.CO.UK:


1. Identity Details:


VRN: 465680070

Registered Office: C/CALEROS, 41, BAJO, 10003 CÁCERES, SPAIN

Operating Office: 19 Saville Road, Peterborough PE3 7PR, England


Telephone: (+44) 1733 911608



2. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights:

The website, including its programming, design, compilation, and other elements necessary for its operation, as well as any designs, logos, text, and graphics, are the property of the responsible party or have been licensed or authorized by the authors.

All contents of the website are protected by intellectual and industrial property laws and are registered in the appropriate public registers. Reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution, and commercialization of any kind, whether in whole or in part, requires the prior written consent of the responsible party. Any unauthorized use constitutes a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights. Designs, logos, text, and graphics not owned by the responsible party but appearing on the website belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any disputes that may arise regarding them. The responsible party expressly permits third parties to link directly to specific content on the website and in any case to the main website at WWW.WEBEBOFHYDROMASSAGE.CO.UK.

The responsible party acknowledges the intellectual and industrial property rights of the respective owners; their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply any rights or responsibility for them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the responsible party.

To report any concerns regarding potential breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights or any content on the website, please contact us via email at or by post at: C/CALEROS, 41, BAJO, 10003 CÁCERES, SPAIN.


3. Browsing, Access and Security:

Accessing, browsing, and using this Website implies your express and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Privacy and Data Protection Policy, which have the same validity and effectiveness as any contract executed in writing and signed. In this context, "User" shall refer to anyone who accesses, browses, uses, or participates in the services and activities, whether free of charge or for a fee, provided on the Website.

Accessing, browsing, and using this Website implies the express and unconditional acceptance of all legal notices, conditions, and terms of use contained in this Privacy and Data Protection Policy. WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE endeavours to ensure that browsing is conducted under optimal conditions and to prevent any damages that may occur during browsing. WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE is not responsible for, and does not guarantee, uninterrupted or error-free access to this website. Nor does it guarantee or warrant that the content or software accessible through this website is error-free or free from harmful components. Under no circumstances shall WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from access to and use of the website, including but not limited to those caused to computer systems or resulting from the introduction of viruses, nor shall it be liable for any damages that may occur to users due to misuse of this website. The services offered on this website can only be used correctly if they meet the technical specifications for which they were designed.

Access to this Website by minors under the age of 14 is prohibited unless they have obtained prior and express consent from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who shall be held responsible for the actions of minors under their care, in accordance with applicable law. Access by a minor to the Website shall be presumed to have been made with the prior and express consent of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.


4. Limitation of Liability by the Responsible Party:

The responsible party disclaims all liability for any information published on its website that has been manipulated or introduced by a third party external to itself. Regarding links from the website, it is possible that they redirect to content on third-party websites. As the responsible party cannot always control the content introduced by third parties on their respective websites, it assumes no responsibility for such content. Nonetheless, it will promptly remove any content that may contravene national or international laws, morality, or public order, and will immediately cease redirection to such websites, while notifying the competent authorities of the content in question. The responsible party is not liable for information and content stored, including but not limited to, in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks, or any other medium that allows third parties to independently publish content on the website of the responsible party. However, in compliance with Articles 11 and 16 of the Electronic Commerce Directive (Directive 2000/31/EC), it is available to all users, authorities, and law enforcement agencies, actively cooperating in the removal or, where appropriate, blocking of any content that may violate national or international laws, the rights of third parties, or morality and public order. If a user believes that any content on the website may fall into this category, they should immediately notify the website administrator. This website has been checked and tested to ensure proper functioning. While it is intended to operate correctly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, the responsible party does not exclude the possibility of programming errors, force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that may prevent access to the website.


5. Additional Conditions:

The user entering data is solely and ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the service and any modifications thereof made until its completion.


6. Updating and Modification of Information:

The information displayed on this website is current as of its last update. WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE reserves the right to update, modify, or delete information on this website, and may restrict or deny access to it. The website may not be altered, changed, modified, or adapted. However, WEB OF HYDROMASSAGE reserves the right to make as many changes and modifications as it deems appropriate at any time, and may exercise this right without prior notice.


7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

These Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. For any disputes arising from the interpretation, performance, termination, or resolution of these General Conditions, the Parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in accordance with English law, the courts of the user's habitual residence shall have jurisdiction over any disputes relating to these General Conditions, pursuant to Article 52 of the Civil Procedure Rules or any applicable substitute regulations at the time.

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