In our company, we believe that making hasty decisions may lead to serious mistakes. Many of the customers who contact us interested in purchasing a whirlpool bath have just discovered its benefits in a hotel or spa. Motivated by its ability to promote well-being and relaxation they conclude that it would be a great idea to enjoy a jacuzzi bath at home.


If your situation is somewhat similar... why not set aside haste? Don't you think it would be more convenient to choose your jacuzzi bath based on price, size and features, without rushing the delivery process? Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we are talking about an item that is not a basic necessity and involves a significant investment (at least greater than that of a common-use product). That's why we strongly advise to follow our guidelines, which will allow you to receive your ideal massage bathtub.


If you follow the necessary maintenance and care, your whirlpool bath will last 15 or 20 years in perfect condition, and within the jacuzzi, you will enjoy extraordinary moments of tranquility, relaxation and relief. For all these reasons and the benefits of custom manufacturing, which we will point out below, we recommend considering the option of ordering a whirlpool bath which we will manufacture based on your needs and with an additional promotion.


Okay, but, let's see, how would I customise my indoor jacuzzi bath and how long would it take to receive it?


Here are the reasons why manufacturing your whirlpool bath to order has undeniable benefits that you should consider. This option allows you to:


 Change the colour of the inner surface as well as the exterior skirts. If you prefer an item in black or blue instead of white, we can offer this without any issue. Call us, and we'll provide you with more information on this!


Installing more LED lights, increasing the sensation of chromotherapy and creating a much more showy environment. Our tubs incorporate an LED light in the bottom, which can be set to various colours, but if you want we can install 10 to 16 more small LED lights, located all over the inside of the tub from £85. Bring more life to your bathroom with the massage bathtub chromotherapy!


Change the position of the taps in some models, lengthening the whip for the water intakes and drain or choosing between manufacture for the left or right corner, depending on the position in which you intend to install the jacuzzi bath in your bathroom. Without any compromise we can send you the left and right manufacturing options we have available!


Installing more powerful pumps this is ideal for people who suffer from chronic pain or who for whatever reason prefer to receive more energetic massages. The price will not be much higher, but the benefits will be!


Receiving a brand-new whirlpool bath, manufactured a short time ago, which has passed several phases of testing that prove its correct functioning just 3-5 weeks before delivery to your home. Those products that remain in storage for years may have certain drawbacks in the first uses, however a product manufactured for you has just passed the test phase. You get a team with maximum guarantees!


Getting an Extra Promotion the price of the website. In new manufacturing orders, since products from different customers are grouped together, promotions are applied to encourage the development of orders with a large number of items. The most common promotion is the installation of an advanced control panel (tactile and remote controlled) valued at £95 + VAT. You get a custom jacuzzi bath, newly manufactured and with an added promotion!


As we have just seen, all this brings a series of important benefits to take into account, although it is true that delivery times for made-to-order manufacturing range between 10 and 13 weeks. Although it may seem like a long time, keep in mind that you will need to condition the bathroom by installing water, electricity and drain connections, so you can take advantage of this time to carry out this series of procedures.


What if I prefer not to wait that period, are there any products in stock?


If, having understood the attractiveness of on-demand manufacturing, you come to the conclusion that the delivery time is not compatible with the project you wish to carry out, please give us a call so that we can indicate the options available in stock. We always have a small selection of those models most in demand, perfect for projects that require urgent supply.


In the following post we will tell you how we cann afford to offer such competitive prices. You want to know the reason? Just go to the following link and find out: WHY IS THERE SUCH A LARGE PRICE GAP BETWEEN SOME COMPANIES AND OTHERS?



Would you like further information on customising indoor whirlpool baths? Feel free to call us to clear your doubts.

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